다비드의 나폴레옹 vs 들라로슈의 나폴레옹
1. 다비드와 들라로슈의 나폴레옹 모습은 다르다 Bonaparte has an orange cloak, the crispin (cuff) of his gauntlet is embroidered, the horse is piebald, black and white, and the tack is complete and includes a standing martingale. The girth around the horse's belly is a dark, faded red. The officer holding a sabre in the background is obscured by the horse's tail. Napoleon's face appears youthful. 2. 다비드 군주 기마상의 완결판 ..
2024.01.30 -
루이 16세와 마리 앙뜨와네뜨
1. 루이 16세 Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, sculptures by Edme Gaulle and Pierre Petitot in the Basilica of Saint-Denis
2024.01.29 -
루이 15세의 퐁파두르 부인
2024.01.29 -
루이 15세, 그리고 그의 자녀들
1. 루이 15세 2. 루이 15세의 자녀들
2024.01.29 -
캐슬 베르사이유 Versailles (1)
1. 공식 홈페이지 https://en.chateauversailles.fr/ Palace of Versailles | Official website The Hall of Mirrors, King’s Grand Apartments, Museum of the History of France, explore the Château de Versailles, its gardens, the Grand Trianon and Marie-Antoinette’s domain. en.chateauversailles.fr 2. 생생하게 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lls7y5Whvo
2024.01.29 -
Paris의 Louvre루브르
1. 루브르 안내책자 Le palais du Louvre a connu huit siècles de transformation architecturale, incarnant l'histoire de France. A l'époque médiévale, le roi Philippe Auguste construit une puissante forteresse de plan carré, à la jonction entre la Seine et l'enceinte de Paris, pour en protéger l'accès. Un siècle et demi plus tard, la forteresse du Louvre, désormais intégrée dans la ville protégée par une ..