루이 14세

2024. 1. 29. 01:52명화



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1. 루이14세


More details Louis XIV of France



Portrait du Dauphin Louis Dieudonné, futur Louis XIV (1638-1715). Revêtu du manteau royal, représenté Dauphin vers 1640. Anonyme, d'après Henri et Charles Beaubrun, vers 1638-1639. Exposition temporaire "Portraits de Reines de France", Perpignan.

Louis   XIV as a young child, unknown painter



Louis XIV in 1643, just before becoming king, by  Claude Deruet


Portrait of Louis XIV (1638-1715) as Jupiter Conquering the Fronde.


More details 1655 portrait of Louis, the Victor of the Fronde, portrayed as the god Jupiter



More details Portrait by Justus van Egmont between the years 1649–1652.


Characters from left to right: The Queen Henrietta Maria of France (1609); Philippe of France, Monsieur (1640); his daughter Marie Louise (1662); his wife Henrietta of England (1644); the queen Mother Anne of Austria; King Louis XIV ; their children, Louis (1661), Marie Thérèse, la Petite Madame (1667) and Philippe (1668); the queen Maria Theresa of Austria (1638) and Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans, la Grande Mademoiselle (1627).


Louis and his family portrayed as Roman gods in a 1670 painting by Jean Nocret. L to R: Louis' aunt, Henriette-Marie; his brother, Philippe, duc d'Orléans; the Duke's daughter, Marie Louise d'Orléans, and wife, Henriette-Anne Stuart; the Queen-mother, Anne of Austria; three daughters of Gaston d'Orléans; Louis XIV; the Dauphin Louis; Queen Marie-Thérèse; la Grande Mademoiselle.


"Louis XIV," King of France, by the French engraver and artist Robert Nanteuil. Engraving, 17 15/16 in. x 15 3/16 in. Yale University Art Gallery, gift of Samuel Duryee, B.A. 1917. Courtesy of Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

More details Louis XIV in 1670, engraved portrait by Robert Nanteuil


The Battle of Tolhuis, Louis XIV crosses the Lower Rhine at Lobith on 12 June 1672; Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Louis XIV crosses the Rhine at Lobith, june 12, 1672.


The original portrait by Claude Lefèbvre, from which the Versailles painting is derived, is located at the Isaac Delgado Museum of Art, New Orleans. It must have been considered an important painting at the time, since it was engraved in its entirety and in great detail by Nicolas Pitau in 1670. [Ref: Claire Constans, "Louis XIV, King of France and Navarre (1638–1715)" in Constans & Salmon 1998, p. 59]

More details Louis XIV, 1670, by Claude Lefèbvre

Silver coin of Louis XIV, dated 1674. The inscription on the obverse reads, in Latin, "Lvdovicus XIIII D[ei] Gra[tia]", or, in English, "Louis XIV, By The Grace Of God." The inscription on the reverse reads, in Latin, "Fran[ciæ] et Navarræ Rex 1674," or in English, "King of France and Navarre, 1674." original uploader Coinman62 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Louis_XIV_Coin.jpg


The Persian embassy to Louis XIV sent by Soltan Hoseyn in 1715. Ambassade de Perse auprès de Louis XIV, studio of Antoine Coypel.


Ambassade Perse auprès de Louis XIV, 19 février 1715


Siamese embassy of King Narai to Louis XIV in 1686, led by Kosa Pan. Engraving by Nicolas Larmessin.


Siamese Embassy To Louis XIV, in 1686


Louis receiving the Doge of Genoa at Versailles on 15 May 1685, following the Bombardment of Genoa. (Reparation faite à Louis XIV par le Doge de Gênes. 15 mai 1685 by Claude Guy Halle, Versailles.)


Réparation faite à Louis XIV par le doge de Gênes Francesco Maria Lercari Imperiale, 15 mai 1685



Portrait of  Louis XIV of France  (1638-1715)


Louis XIV in 1685, the year he revoked the Edict of Nantes


Edict of Nantes - Wikipedia

Henri, by the grace of God king of France and of Navarre, to all to whom these presents come, greeting: Among the infinite benefits which it has pleased God to heap upon us, the most signal and precious is his granting us the strength and ability to withst



Protestant peasants rebelled against the officially sanctioned dragonnades (conversions enforced by dragoons, labeled "missionaries in boots") that followed the Edict of Fontainebleau.

Gravure protestante représentant les dragonnades contre les huguenots français sous Louis XIV, après la révocation de l'édit de Nantes.


The battle of Fleurus (1690). Victory over the Dutch by Francois-Henri de Montmorency (1628-95)

More details Battle of Fleurus, 1690


Louis in 1690



Louis   XIV at the  siege of Namur  (1692)


Louis in 1701



루이 14세의 초상화이다. 이 초상화에서는 루이 14세가 군복을 입고 전장 앞에서 완전히 모습을 드러내며 권력과 위엄을 나타내고 있다. 보르보네 가문의 문장인 백합과 Saint-Esprit 의회의 파란색띠를 달고 지휘봉을 들고 있는 것으로 보아 군대의 지휘관인 것을 알 수 있다. 이 작품의 배경은 Joseph Parrocel이 그린 전장 장면을 나타낸 것으로, Rigaud나 Nicolas Largillierre 등의 다른 화가들이 그린 궁정 초상화와 함께 Felipe 5세 통치 초기에 스페인으로 전해졌다. Van Dyck가 이전에 인기있게 만든 야외에서의 인물 초상화 형식에서 시작하여, Rigaud는 자세와 훌륭한 질감, 화려함 및 풍부한 구성을 묘사하는 데 큰 관심을 가지고 있다. 그는 그의 포트레이트에 인물들의 중요성을 완벽하게 표현하고, 이 작품에서는 루이 14세를 강력하고, 권력적이며, 자신감이 넘치는 아름다운 모습으로 그려냈다. 이 작품은 그가 그의 손자인 Felipe 5세를 스페인 왕위에 세우는 데 노력하는 시기에 그려졌다.



More details The Franco-Spanish army led by the Duke of Berwick defeated decisively the Alliance forces of Portugal, England, and the Dutch Republic at the Battle of Almansa.



Louis XIV depicted on a  Louis d'or  in 1709


Painting from 1667 depicting Louis as patron of the fine arts

morceau de réception à l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture, 1672



Le roi gouverne par lui-même, modello for the central panel of the ceiling of the Hall of Mirrors c. 1680 by Le Brun, (1619–1690)



Louis XIV dans Le Ballet de la nuit. The ballet was choreographed in 1653. It was significant because Louis XIV made his debut at court. This court ballet lasted 12 hours, beginning at sundown and lasting until morning, and consisted of 45 dances. Louis XIV appeared in 5 of them. The most famous dance of Ballet de la Nuit portrays Louis XIV as Apollo the Sun King. Art by Henri de Gissey published in copy of the ballet by R. Ballard in 1653

Louis XIV as  Apollo  in the  Ballet Royal de la Nuit  (1653)


Note - a composite portrait of the Bourbon succession, made in the period 1715 -1720. At the centre of the portrait is the Sun King, Louis XIV, most illustrious of his dynasty. His father (Louis XIII) and grandfather (Henry IV) are shown as busts. At the King's right is his son, Louis the Grand Dauphin; to the king's left is his eldest grandson, Louis, Duke of Burgundy. Both predeceased Louis XIV. The king gestures to his great-grandson, the duc d’Anjou, the future Louis XV (1710-74), symbolising the older man's approval of his young heir. Madame de Ventadour, the young duke's governess (and the only non-royal in the painting) holds in her hands her charge's reins. Her presence references her role in "saving" the future Louis XV and thus the dynasty from the measles epidemic of 1712. The painting was probably made for her.


Louis   XIV (seated) with his son  le Grand Dauphin  (to the left), his grandson  Louis, Duke of Burgundy  (to the right), his great-grandson  Louis Duke of Anjou , and  Madame de Ventadour , Anjou's governess, who commissioned this painting; busts of  Henry IV  and  Louis XIII  are in the background.


March of the King accompanied by his guards passing over the Pont Neuf in the direction of the Palace French: Marche du Roy accompagné des ses gardes passant sur le Pont Neuf et allant au Palais


Royal procession passing the  Pont-Neuf  under Louis XIV


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