
고흐 Vincent van Gogh 7_스케치작품

그림덕후 2024. 2. 1. 18:16




The Langlois Bridge (1888)


Cottages with a Woman Working in the Middle Ground (1890)



Two Cottages at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer (1888)


The Plain of La Crau (1888)


View of Arles (1888)


Arles; View from the Wheatfields (1888)



Moulin de la Galette



The Harvest (for Émile Bernard) (1888)



Wheat Field (1888)




Street in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer (1888)


The Magrot House, Cuesmes (c. 1879-1880)




Boats at Saintes-Maries (1888)


The Harvest (1888)



Houses Seen From The Back Window Of Sien’s Mother’s House (1882)


Ploughman in the Fields near Arles (1888)


La Mousmé (1888)



The Postman Joseph Roulin (1888)


The Road to Tarascon (1888)


Enclosed field with a sower in the rain (1890)

